Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) Latest Free Download Full Version:
Vcredist_x86.exe file information
The process known as Win32 Cabinet Self-Extractor belongs to software Microsoft Windows Operating System or VC_redist.x86.exe or Microsoft Visual C (version 2012 Redistributable) by Microsoft (
Description: Vcredist_x86.exe is not essential for the Windows OS and causes relatively few problems. The file vcredist_x86.exe is located in a subfolder of "C:\" (usually C:\Spil\Mass Effect Andromeda\__Installer\vc\vc2013\redist\). Known file sizes on Windows 10/8/7/XP are 6,503,984 bytes (33% of all occurrences), 674,816 bytes or 455,720 bytes.
There is no file information. The program has no visible window. The file is not a Windows system file. The vcredist_x86.exe file is digitally signed. Vcredist_x86.exe is able to record keyboard and mouse inputs and monitor applications. Therefore the technical security rating is 40% dangerous; but you should also compare this rating with the user reviews.
There is no file information. The program has no visible window. The file is not a Windows system file. The vcredist_x86.exe file is digitally signed. Vcredist_x86.exe is able to record keyboard and mouse inputs and monitor applications. Therefore the technical security rating is 40% dangerous; but you should also compare this rating with the user reviews.
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Uninstalling this variant: In the event of any problems with vcredist_x86.exe, you can uninstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable or Mass Effect™: Andromeda from your
computer using the Control Panel applet Uninstall a Program or go to the support area of the Microsoft website.